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Home Made Treatment For Solving Hair Lose Problem

Hair is a natural crown over our head. It plays a vital role in our personality and self-esteem. Everyone wants to have a long and beautiful hair. Hair loss is a name of fear, especially to women. They are always ready to do anything to get rid of hair loss.

So, I have decided to help them in their hard work. With proper action, you can easily control your hair loss problem. You can even take some homemade treatment to solve it for a lifetime.

I will discuss with you about some treatment which you can take in action from home. I will also tell you about the reason behind your hair fall. Learn and lead a healthy life.

Reason Of Your Hair

·         Lack Of Nutrition

The first reason I want to discuss with you is lack of nutrition. Hair growth or fall everything is attached to your health condition. When you eat a sufficient amount of protein and the other minerals, you will improve your health and also your hair.

Deficiency of vitamin D is the primary reason for hair loss in women. Try to eat vitamin D rich foods for solving this problem. Other vitamins and minerals are also necessary to take in a sufficient amount.

·         Hormone Imbalance

Some hormone imbalance is normal, and some are causing your hair fall and many other problems. Monthly fluctuations is a normal hormone imbalance, and this kind of changes occurs during your pregnancy. Menopause is also a normal hormone imbalance.

Stress or illness can imbalance your cortisol hormone. Amenorrhea or menorrhagia is an abnormal hormone imbalance in women. They produce excess dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion and make your hair fall.

·         Thyroid Disorders

Disorders in the thyroid are known as thyroid disorders. In this condition, your thyroid gland gets affected. The thyroid gland is located in front of your neck. It plays an important role to regulate the metabolism process in your body.

The thyroid uses iodine to produce thyroid hormone. When you have a problem with your thyroid, it started to provide less or excessive amount of hormone. Besides hair fall problem, it can bring many other issues in your body.

·         Birth Control Medicine

Birth control pills or medicine is an essential part of our modern world. The couple used to take them for getting relief from unwanted pregnancy. Taking these pills abstract the path of some hormones which helps you during the pregnancy.

When they are stopped from forming, then the chemical reaction interchange your body path and make it unhealthy. It can be a reason behind your hair fall and many other problems. Try to avoid them and use a condom.

·         Stress

When you face a tough situation, your body starts to release stress hormones in your bloodstream. They provide you instant energy to fight with the dancer. It makes a change in your physical and mental health.

Excess stress can cause hair to fall for an extended period. Regular yoga, exercise, and other physical activities can help you to stay away from getting stress. Try to keep calm even in a tough situation.

·         Heavy Use Of Cosmetic Product

We use a different kind of cosmetic product in our hairs like shampoo, conditioner, and many other things. Almost every shampoo contains Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) which is a toxic chemical. It can cause hair fall.

Stuff which you are using for hair fall solution will work opposite way if you don’t know the limit. Excess of anything is bad for our health. I am not telling you to entirely avoid the cosmetics but try them to use in a proper manner.

Homemade Treatment

·         Egg paste

The egg is very healthy food. It contains sulfur, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, zinc, and protein. This minerals and vitamins help to enhance the growth of your hair. You can make an egg mask for you at home by adding some ingredients to it.

Take an egg and separate the white part from it. The yellow part of the egg is not so essential for your mask. With the white part of the egg, add one tbsp of honey and olive oil. Blend it properly and make the egg paste.

Apply the paste in every part of your hair. Wait for 20 minutes and let it dry. After that, wash your hair with a herbal shampoo. Regular use of this paste will make your hair healthy and active.

·         Coconut Milk

Coconut milk contains essential fat and protein for our hair growth. It can also prevent hair loss. It is useful to used raw coconut milk rather than buying a pot of coconut milk from the store.

The store coconut milk usually contains chemical for preserving it for a long time which can be harmful to your hair. Take a coconut and break it. Put it on a pan and give heat to warm it up for 5 minutes. The milk will be extracted.

Add one tablespoon of black pepper and fenugreek seed to the liquid. You can apply it on your head skin and hair. Wash it up after 20 minutes. It is good to use rather than any other hair loss product on the market.

·         Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help in hair growth and prevent hair loss. Take a cup of hot water and 2 or 3 tea bag of green tea. Soak the tea bag into the boiling water and let it fall to a bearable temperature.

Wash your head with this tea and do some massage. Later on, wash your hair with some cold water. You can call it natural laser hair treatment.

·         Onion Juice

Onion contains sulfur and antibacterial properties. Sulfur helps to improve the blood circulation of your hair follicles and provide antibacterial properties to fight with the scalp infections. Put the onions in a blender and extract the juice of it.

Take cotton and dip it in the onion juice. Use this cotton to apply the onion juice in your hair and scalp. Use it in your whole hair from up to down and wait 20 to 30 minutes for it to dry.

After that,  you can wash it with regular water and herbal shampoo. If you run this procedure for some days, you will find out the difference.

·         Eating Healthy

It is necessary for you to understand that eating healthy is also essential for avoiding hair fall. Almost every vegetable and fruits are good for your hair. Spinach, carrot, oats, walnut chicken, yogurt and sweet potato all are good food for your hair.

They contain mineral and vitamin which are essential for your hair growth and prevention of hair fall. If you want some example like yogurt has vitamin d which helps to improve hair follicle health and chicken contains high-quality protein which can strengthen the bond of your hair.


Hair is the most precious ornament of our body. Beauty is not beauty without a beautiful hair. You should take care of it and also know how to do it. Natural methods are always better than an artificial one.

We have discussed with you some of the natural processes which you can do at home for preventing hair fall and improve the growth. We have done vast research before considering this for you. If you like my hard work, don’t forget to like, comment, and share.

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