Health & Fitness

How to Play the Ukulele?

We used to play different types of musical instrument in our regular life. Ukulele is a Hawaiian small size instrument with jaunty sound. It is slightly different than a guitar in size and music.

If you are looking for a classical musical instrument, you can have a look at it. I am going to tell you some ways through which you can easily learn the ukulele. I hope you will find this helpful.

Select the Right Ukulele

Ukulele is a musical instrument which comes in different size and shape. It is essential for you to choose the right ukulele. A proper choice can provide you with better comfort. The smallest size of the ukulele is known as soprano ukulele.

It can be an excellent choice for beginners. It is 21 inches long and has 12 to 14 frets. It’s sound like ‘uke’ sound. After soprano ukulele, the next size ukulele is named as alto ukulele. It is 23 inches long. It is also known as concert ukulele.

If you have a large hand, then this one is the best choice for you. About 15 to 20 frets are available on the slightly larger ukulele. If you want the ability to reach more notes, then you can have a look at tenor ukulele. This ukulele can provide you with better sound and has 15+ frets.

The 26 inches long ukulele also has extended fretboard. The baritone ukulele is the largest ukulele instrument. It almost looks like a guitar. It is 30 inches long and has 19+ frets. It can provide rich music and better tuning.

There are also some unique ukuleles available in the market. Like, there is a triangle shape ukulele known as fluke. Pineapple ukulele is oval in shape and flea ukulele is oval shaped with a flat bottom.

Know About the Ukulele

It is essential for you to know every single detail of this instrument. You can compare this instrument with the guitar but cannot call it a guitar. Both of them are a different instrument with different basics. The most significant part of the ukulele is the hollow wooden part.

This wooden body is hollow inside it. It plays a great role in making the sound. It has a hole through which air passes and makes the noise when you strike the strings. The long wooden part is known as the fretboard. Sometimes, it is also called fingerboard.

It is divided into a different fret. Different fret used to produce different types of notes. The larger the fret means the better ability to create music. The fretboard is long in height but narrow in width. The head portion of ukulele holds the tuner strings.

This part of the ukulele is so essential for tuning it. Usually, there are four strings in a ukulele. The first string is known as the thickest one, and the fourth string is known as the thinnest one.

The measurement of the second and third string is also different. The size slightly went thick to thin from first string to the fourth string.

Tune Your Instrument

No instrument in the world can provide you better performance without better tuning. It helps you to create the perfect music for your songs. Without a proper tuning ukulele, it is nothing more than a wood board.

So, you need to be careful about the tuning of the instrument. You have to change the tuner knobs and tighten or loosen the string for tuning your ukulele. Every tuner has their own number, and it is essential for you to know them.

The bottom left tuner is known as G, and the top left tuner is known as C. After that, the top right tuner is known as E, and the bottom right tuner is known as A. So, the respective tuners are G, C, E, and A. You can take a professional help for tuning your instrument.

It will cost you some dollar, but it is the best way. If you are not willing to spend money than you can use the online tuner and try to match the tunes. The piano can also be used to tune your ukulele by using a similar key. There are also some android tuners which can help you too.

Hold It in Right Posture

Better posture can provide you with more time to play with the ukulele. When you learn to hold the ukulele in the right position, you will find it easy to play with. Without a proper position, you cannot create the appropriate music.

You can also fall in wrist injury if you do not take care of this point. Let the hollow wooden part rest in your thigh and place it near your waistline. The fretboard should be right under your forearm. Always try to keep your back and shoulders as straight as possible.

The head of the ukulele will rest on your thumb and use your finger to play with the string. The strumming will be done with your right hand. At the first stage, you will find this procedure little difficult, but day by day with proper practice, you can overcome this problem.

Learn the Chords

Learning chords are essential for making important sounds. Without the knowledge of chords, you can play with the instrument, but that is useless. There are two types of chords, minor chords, and major chords.

Different chords have different guidelines to learn. You can hire an expert to teach you. I hope you will able to make a harmonic sound with the help of your ukulele.

Play the Ukulele

Daily practice can give you a better hand on this instrument. It will be good for you if you can find some time daily for practice. Only 20 to 30 minutes can be enough for your daily practice.

Collect different songs music notes with all the string number, fret number, and specific finger use. Try to play different music with your ukulele. Slowly, you will see your improvement.


Ukulele is an excellent instrument for making your music better. But for proper guideline, many peoples find it hard to play. I have discussed with you some simple procedure through which you can learn to play the instrument.

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