Health & Fitness

Top 5 Natural Skin Care Treatment For Better Skin In Winter

Winter is a beautiful season. It makes the environment more appealing to us. I believe most of you like winter like the way I do. With many advantages, some disadvantages also come. Winter makes our skin dull and dry.

Our inner body feels fresh and happy, but our skin cannot enjoy much. We can use different kind of creams and body freshener to moisturize the dryness. But if you put your eye on nature, you will find a lot of goods which you can use for your skin care treatment.

I am going to discuss with you about some natural skin care treatment for your skin in winter. Use them and fall in love with your skin.

Papaya Pack

Papaya is an excellent fruit for our body. It is rich in minerals and vitamins. It also improves the digestion and can be good food for our skin care. To use them in your skin, you have to mash the papaya and add two tablespoons of honey with them.

Mix the two ingredients properly, and it will turn into a pink color. Cover up your dry skin with the papaya pack and wait for it to dry. It will take up to half or an hour to dry. After that, wash your skin with bearable hot water.

New cells will grow in your skin, and they will look fresh than before. Papaya contains vitamin A and C which makes it a good food for the skin. It has antioxidants which will reduce the formation of free radicals. Radicals are responsible for aging.

It also has potassium to remove dullness and dryness from your skin. It also makes your skin soft with the help of flavonoids. Flavonoids increase the production of the collagen. Ripe papaya contains Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA). It helps to remove the dead skin cells and clear the dirt too.

Regular using of papaya pack will reduce the oil of your skin. Skin oil can lead you to acne. Papaya contains papain enzyme which removes sebum from the surface. Excessive sebum produces oil and prone to acne. If any kind of fungal infection seen in your skin, try to use papaya pack for natural treatments.

Milk And Almonds Skin Pack

Making milk and almond skin pack is easy. You just need two almonds and some milk. It is good to use raw milk, but you can use other types of milk too. Almond is a nutrient nut which you can easily find in the store.

Put the almonds in a pot with some water to soak for some hours. Remove their skin and smash them. Add some milk with these smash almonds. Mix them together properly, and your skin pack will be ready to use.

Almonds are a good source of vitamin E which can be beneficial for facial treatment. Milk is also a good moisturizer for oily skin. Its enzyme and acid make your skin soft and bright.

Oily skin produces sebum and captures more dirt which causes the acne breakouts. You can use this pack for your oily skin care in the winter season. Every skin problem can be treated with this pack. But if you are allergic to milk try to avoid this pack.

Coconut Oil

We all are familiar with coconut oil. But, do you know how good it is for your skin care? Many of the beauty products which you see in the market use coconut oil as one of their key ingredient. You should know that it is naturally antifungal and antibacterial.

It is better to use raw coconut oil rather than buying them from stores. Store packed coconut oil contains chemical for long preservation. So, try to avoid them. It is good to use them when you are going to sleep.

It will provide you better sleep which you can’t think off. In the winter season, our skin starts to keep dry all the time. Take some coconut oil in your hand and drop them in the dry skin and massage until the skin absorbs it.

Make sure you don’t wash your skin before it enters your skin. It will make your skin softer and moisturize it naturally. You can also use them in your hair or face.

It helps to boost up your hair growth and make your face pimples free. You can wash off the excess coconut oil when your skin absorbs sufficient amount for them. It is one of the best natural skin care product.

Sunflower Oil

Sunflower oil is rich in antioxidants and nutrients. You can apply them in your skin for a better result. Put some oil in your dry skin and massage the place. Let the skin intake the sunflower oil naturally. You can use them in your whole body even also in your hair.

It will keep your skin healthy and hydrated. It is so much popular for the cosmetic and medical purpose. Sunflower oil is extracted from their has many beneficial properties for your skin if you use them regularly.

Using it for cooking can also be good for your health and skin. Its fats and vitamins make it a good oil for consumption. In research, scientist claim that it can even fight with skin cancer. It damages the free radicals of your skin which causes Cancer.

It is also effective against inflammation, acne, and irritation of the skin. During winter, when your skin becomes red and dry. You can rub some sunflower oil on your skin and get rid of it. It is better than the organic skin care product of the stores.

Strawberry Pack

Strawberries are tasty fruits. Besides taste, it is also good for our health and skin. It is loaded with vitamins C and antioxidants. Vitamin C fights with free radicals and destroys collagen. Free radicals abstract the path of oxygen supply to your cells.

Its dietary fiber can help you to compete for pimples and acne. Folic acid helps you to produce new cell in your body which is available in the strawberry. Wrinkle formation can be stopped by regular use of strawberry pack.

Its antioxidants acid will fight with them. It is also productive to keep away from harmful UV rays. Besides competing with free radicals,  Vitamin C even fight with oily skin by removing excess sebum from your skin.

Regular use of strawberry makes your skin bright than ever before. Apply them in your dry skin and get relief from them.  To make the pack, take some strawberries and a spoon of honey.

Put them on a blender and mix them properly. You can use it in your whole body avoiding the eyes and lips. If you are looking for something for oily skin, it can be a right food for your healthy skin.


Winter brings a beautiful environment. You can only enjoy this beautiful environment if you are healthy. Being healthy also means to have healthy skin. If a beautiful climate affects your delicate skin, then it is better to avoid it.

But if you have something to fight with these disadvantages, then you can enjoy it in full. It is better to take natural treatment rather than using the artificial one. We have discussed about some of the natural treatment which you can take in action.

We have done vast research with some active practice over the methods before talking with you. They will definitely help you with your winter season skin problem. If you find this helpful, don’t forget to like, comment, and share.

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